4 Ways to Prepare Your Phone System for the 4th of July Holiday

Let clients know you are out of the office for the 4th of July holiday

Independence Day is just a few days away. If you are planning to close your business or take a day off to celebrate the holiday, consider these quick tips to ensure your phone services are set up in the most optimal way to help your customers while you’re out of the office.

Provide a Holiday Schedule Message

Add an option to your main phone menu that lists any changes to your holiday hours in advance so customers can plan ahead. Also, be sure to note your absence on your business voicemail so customers know when you will be unavailable. Be clear about when your office will reopen or when you’ll be back at work.  

Update Your Voicemail

If you will be out of the office, set up a Temporary Voicemail Greeting to let your customers and coworkers know when you’re away. Temporary Voicemail Greeting allows you to record and store a second voicemail greeting for the times you’re out of the office.

Put Your Call Forwarding Functionality to Use

If you plan to be out of the office but don’t want to miss your calls, you can forward work calls to your mobile phone. If you miss a call from a customer and need to call them back, you can access the FluentStream mobile app to keep your personal and business phone lines separate. FluentStream Mobile will give you access to all your work texts and automatically sync with your business contacts. 

Use Reporting to Get A Head Start

By accessing previous years’ reporting, you can better prepare for this holiday. Review last year’s report to see how many calls you received during the 4th of July, what times of day were busiest, how many employees were available on those days, etc. These insights can help you plan employee and support needs.

Want to Learn More?

Of course, you can call our Support Team and we’ll be happy to set up your phone system to accommodate your holiday plans and communication preferences.  If you’d like to learn more about FluentStream’s business phone services, contact us at sales@fluentstream.com.

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