Apparently, the legendary musician Bob Dylan was right: the times they are a-changin’. And it would seem like they evolving very quickly, too! According to a May 2015 IHS Infonetics Enterprise Unified Communications and Voice Equipment report, pure IP PBX […]News
The results are in! Small businesses are turning to VoIP for their phone needs. Don’t take our word for it… Software Advice, a market research company based out of Austin, Texas, recently shared trends among prospective VoIP buyers with us […]News
More than 5 million businesses have “gone Google,” including 64% of the Fortune 500 companies. It is pretty clear why: the Google for Work toolkit is hugely robust. The toolkit includes: the superior Chrome browser, mobile-friendly devices like Chromebooks, security by […]News
The best way for a business to stay relevant in today’s market is to have the most advanced technology. Our product here at FluentStream pairs well with Google’s Chromebook, the latest laptop from our favorite search engine mammoth. This is […]News
Time away from the office is important and necessary for every busy professional, but what happens when you are gone and you still need to be connected? That’s where FluentStream’s hosted VoIP solution comes in; you can bring us with […]News