
The FluentStream Blog

Category: News

April 2, 2013

Feature Spotlight: Voicemail-to-Email

Since the beginning of FluentStream’s foundation we have had a feature that has gained quite the popularity. That feature is voicemail-to-email. It is easy to see why it has gained popularity too, from reading books to researching documents, activities that […]
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March 18, 2013

Happy Colorado, Happy FluentStream

We now have evidence that we are one of the happiest support team’s around! Colorado has been ranked the second happiest state in the U.S! This is no surprise to us with our constant sunny weather, snow-covered mountain tops and […]
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March 15, 2013

How Cloud Storage is like a Leprechaun

With St. Patrick’s Day around the corner we thought it would be fun to point out how Cloud Storage is like a leprechaun. Sound crazy? Well wait until you hear the connections. The little man with the ginger beard stores […]
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March 12, 2013

How Small Businesses Can Easily Adopt Cloud Computing

Most small business owners are looking for ways to better their bottom lines without sacrificing service, support or the stability of their business. Time and money are valuable assets for business owners on budgets and cloud computing can save you […]
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March 5, 2013

Feature Spotlight: Hot Desking

Remember assigned seating in grade school? Getting the wobbly chair that squeaked loud enough for the whole class to stare, not being near friends or having that awkward desk against the wall? It would seem that moving up and working […]
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