FluentStream Wins Bronze Stevie® Award for Great Employers, Celebrating a Progressive and Employee-Centric Culture

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FluentStream is celebrating this week. For the third consecutive year, we’ve won a Stevie® Award for Great Employers. This recognition acknowledges our progressive corporate culture and underscores our continuous growth and success. Our executive team has operated with strategic intention to drive our organization growth, evolving in a positive direction that fosters the development of our staff to remain focused on the customer experience.

So, we’re celebrating our hard work and the dedication we share in ensuring our customers have the best business phone services and support they need to thrive. Here’s more insight into what makes FluentStream an award-winning employer and a place we’re proud to work.

A Progressive Corporate Culture

FluentStream’s corporate culture is built on the principles of flexibility, empowerment, and continuous development. As a fully remote organization, FluentStream has shifted its focus from traditional metrics such as hours worked to more meaningful indicators like quality of work, goal achievement, and productivity. This approach to work has been pivotal in creating an environment where employees are motivated to push the boundaries of what’s possible.

“As a new addition to the FluentStream team, I’ve been deeply impressed by the warm and welcoming atmosphere here. It’s clear that everyone genuinely cares about each other, which makes for a fantastic work environment. I also love how the company's core values, particularly around continuous improvement, resonate with my own. It’s refreshing to be part of a team that not only embraces remote work but actively supports it, reflecting a forward-thinking attitude that aligns perfectly with modern employee needs,” said Kate Milejczak, a business operations analyst at FluentStream.

Employee Empowerment and Development

One of the standout features of working at FluentStream is its equity program. Every employee is granted equity in the company, fostering a sense of ownership and alignment with the company’s success. FluentStream also invests heavily in professional growth by providing employees access to mentorship and professional coaching programs. Additionally, employees benefit from a generous annual stipend dedicated to learning and development, ensuring we have the resources to continually enhance our skills.

One employee shared, “Having a manager that truly cares about you as a person, and as an employee is a rare find these days. I am so thankful that I have a manager that goes to bat for me, and ensures I am set up for success in my role. And knowing that my manager cares about me personally is the cherry on top!”

Flexible Time Off Policies

FluentStream has redefined traditional time-off policies by offering discretionary time off instead of separate vacation, sick, and personal days. This policy empowers employees to take time off based on their individual needs, promoting a healthier work-life balance and reducing burnout. This flexibility is a testament to FluentStream’s commitment to the well-being of its employees.

In a recent engagement survey, one employee shared, “I couldn't ask for a better place to work. I have a great work-life balance, feel appreciated, and love the people I work with.”

FluentStream’s recognition as a great employer for the third consecutive year is a testament to our innovative and employee-centric approach. FluentStream has built a corporate culture that not only attracts top talent but also drives the company’s ongoing success. As FluentStream continues to grow and evolve, our commitment to fostering an inclusive and supportive workplace will undoubtedly remain at the core of our achievements.

Our CEO, Cass Gilmore, said, “I appreciate our Streamers most! You are the heart-blood of FluentStream and everything we have accomplished is thanks to you.”

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