Microsoft Active Directory Integration

Active Directory Integration
FluentStream now supports integration with Microsoft Active Directory for the purpose of Single Sign-On.
You can now use your existing Active Directory credentials to authenticate with My FluentCloud Web Portal, FluentCloud WebPhone, Live Manager, our iOS and Android mobile apps plus all our other FluentCloud services which require a login.
All this has the benefit of making it easier to manage your employees access rights and login credentials.
When you add, remove, or disable a user, this will automatically reflect in FluentCloud with no additional provisioning work on your part. This will make your organization’s Identity Management strategy easier to manage with our hosted VoIP service.
Our integration also works with other servers using the LDAP standard, including 389ds, OpenLDAP, and Microsoft’s additional directory service offerings, including Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) and Read Only Domain Controllers.
We also support Domain Controllers in the Microsoft Azure cloud platform.
There are several configurations and integrations required for this to work. If this feature is important to your organization please contact us.