Net Promoter Score Survey

If you are a FluentStream customer, when you interact with our team, you may receive an email from us asking a single question, “On a scale of 0-10 how likely are you to recommend FluentStream to a friend or colleague?” This type of survey is known as the Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey.

 This information will provide ongoing feedback to constantly improve our services, products and operations as well as be an immediate feedback loop for our customers.  This lets us understand where our interactions with our customers are working and where we can improve.

We are making NPS a core metric and a major part of our culture.  As time goes on, our customers will be getting an NPS survey periodically after any interaction with FluentStream.  We have teamed up with Focus Arrow for the delivery.

For the curious, here’s a little bit more detail about how we rank our performance:

Respondents to the question are then put into three groups.  Promoters are those that give a score from 9-10, passive is 8-7, detractors 0-6.  The score is then calculated by taking the percentage of promoters minus the percentage of detractors.  For example, if 10 people responded to an NPS survey and the scores came back as follows:

  • Five Promoters
  • Three Passive
  • Two Detractors

The NPS score would be 50% (Promoters) – 20% (Detractors) for a score of 30. The obvious question is “what is a good NPS score?” and there are publicly available scores for various companies that you can find.  In general, anything above 50 is good and above 70 is world class.

The follow-up question that provides the data that can be converted into action is “If you did not give us a 10, please tell us what we can do to allow you to give us a 10 in the future”

Our goal at FluentStream is to consistently improve the customer experience based on NPS feedback.  We expect to make changes that ultimately will benefit our customers and see the impact of those changes in our NPS scores.  As time goes on, we will be sharing our NPS score as well as the changes we make based on the data NPS provides.


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