As you’re probably aware, internet hardware, and, by extension, VoIP configurations can have a lot of moving parts to them. That’s not to say that setting up a VoIP business phone system is difficult – far from it. However, when […]News
Have you ever filled out a survey for a business experience before? Say you’ve just finished that giant, bacon-laden burger and basket of fries at your favorite chain sit-down restaurant, and tucked beside the check is a little form asking […]News
For those of us in the customer service industry, we tend to take a lot of stock in how happy our customers are, or appear to be. We live and die by our CSAT, CES and NPS scores – cheering […]News
As consumers, there’s nothing quite as irritating as calling a business and having to give your address over and over and over again. “If you could just give me your address, and I’ll get you routed over to the right person […]News
If you’ve ever worked a job where one of your primary responsibilities was talking on the phone, it can be absolutely terrifying. Without proper training, even the most seasoned sales representative or customer service agent can become a deer in the […]News