Temporary Voicemail Greeting – Set It and Forget It

You’ve just had the most relaxing vacation of your life: The beach was pristine. The wind gently tousled your hair so you look amazing in every picture. The bartender nailed your favorite fruity drink and never forgot the little umbrella.
The best part? You didn’t get one work call the entire time. Clearly, your coworkers had your back and your customers respected your vacation time more than they needed your help.
Then you return to the office — freshly tan, freshly motivated — and the first thing you see is…
In that moment, that horrible, soul-crushing moment, you realize you forgot to change your voicemail greeting to say you’re on vacation.
Or maybe you have the opposite problem.
Weeks after you get back from work, you wonder why you’re receiving a fraction of the voicemails you usually do. You give yourself a call, and yep… That’s your “Sorry I’m on vacation” message still playing.
It happens to the best of us, but with Temporary Voicemail Greeting, it’ll never happen to you again.
Temporary Voicemail Greeting is a neat little feature that allows you to record and store a second voicemail greeting for the times you’re out of the office.
Instead of recording a new message every time you need to miss a few days, just switch to your Temporary Greeting. Then, when you’re back at your desk, switch back to your normal voicemail greeting without missing a beat.
The best part is, it’s nearly impossible to forget your Temporary Greeting is on because your voicemail box will tell you.
To enable your Temporary Voicemail Greeting:
- Dial into your voicemail by pressing *97 on your phone.
- Enter your password when prompted.
- Press 0 for Options.
- Press 4 for Temporary Greeting.
You will then be prompted to record your temporary message, followed by the # key.
- After recording your message, do one of the following:
Press 1 to accept the recording.
Press 2 to listen to it.
Press 3 to re-record.
- Once you accept the recording, your temporary greeting will be active.
To disable your Temporary Voicemail Greeting:
- Dial into your voicemail by pressing *97 on your phone.
- Enter your password when prompted.
- Press 0 for Options.
- Press 4 for temporary greeting.
- Press 2 to delete the temporary message.
If you need help setting up Temporary Voicemail Greeting on your account or would like to see more features that make your life easier, give us a call at 303-GO-CLOUD!