A web-based phone that offers all the call, voicemail, and text functionality you need right from your browser. Working remotely has never been easier.
A web-based phone that offers all the call, voicemail, and text functionality you need right from your browser. Working remotely has never been easier.
Turn Any Computer into a Mobile Office
FluentStream’s WebPhone offers HD-quality VoIP calling, voicemail management, SMS / text messaging, call forwarding, and tons of additional features so you can handle your business from anywhere.
Turn Any Computer into a Mobile Office
FluentStream’s WebPhone offers HD-quality VoIP calling, voicemail management, SMS / text messaging, call forwarding, and tons of additional features so you can handle your business from anywhere.

Fully-Functioning Phone Built Right into Your Web Browser
Full dial pad so you can easily type phone numbers
Compatible with your favorite headset or your computer’s internal microphone
Convenient shortcuts to redial the last number you called or jump straight to your voicemail box
Follow-Me Forwarding redirects unanswered calls to your mobile device so you never miss a call

Fully-Functioning Phone Built Right into Your Web Browser
Full dial pad so you can easily type phone numbers
Compatible with your favorite headset or your computer’s internal microphone
Convenient shortcuts to redial the last number you called or jump straight to your voicemail box
Follow-Me Forwarding redirects unanswered calls to your mobile device so you never miss a call
SMS Conversations From Your Computer
Send texts to any phone number from your web browser
Instant desktop notifications for new replies so you never leave your contacts hanging
View all of your conversations in one place and easily switch between them

Send texts to any phone number from your web browser
Instant desktop notifications for new replies so you never leave your contacts hanging
View all of your conversations in one place and easily switch between them

Manage and control your phone extensions
Intuitive interface allows you to swap between multiple calls, mute calls, put callers on hold, or send them to voicemail
Toggle call recording on/off with a single click or set your WebPhone to automatically record all calls
Scroll through your Interaction Detail Record (IDR) to review all of your recent communications and missed calls

Manage and control your phone extensions
Intuitive interface allows you to swap between multiple calls, mute calls, put callers on hold, or send them to voicemail
Toggle call recording on/off with a single click or set your WebPhone to automatically record all calls
Scroll through your Interaction Detail Record (IDR) to review all of your recent communications and missed calls

Download WebPhone by clicking the button
below or contact our Support Team at
303–GO–CLOUD to learn more.